A few days back, we announced on our social media accounts that this month, we will be launching the early access of the first SaaS that we develop and sell as B5 Digital, after 4 years of delivering SaaS and custom software development services to clients.
Continuous feedback is a human resources best practice that encourages the consistent sharing of feedback between employees and managers, to make the team more efficient and healthy.
When it comes to software development, choosing to outsource can offer many benefits for businesses not specialized in IT and software; helping businesses keep their focus on what they do best.
Digital transformation is reaching every industry, including the retail one, changing how decades-long processes work, and revolutionizing entire industries in some cases.
Millions of developers around the world are developing cloud apps. Despite cloud computing being revolutionary and has opened the door for many opportunities and advancements. There are many cloud app development challenges that developers face.
Digital transformation has been ongoing for years, changing the world and changing how businesses offer their solutions. Years back, many things are getting done differently. Thanks to the digital transformation, technologies, and online services. They changed how we interact with many of the services and even with each other.
There are many reasons why custom software development is considered beneficial over pre-developed software. Build custom software for specific needs. It also has distinctive capabilities that suit individual business goals and challenges.
There are more software developers and development languages than ever. The software industry is rapidly and continuously growing. Thus, huge projects, billions of code lines, and best practices show up in such a challenging industry.
Underestimating software development risks is a big mistake. Management of a software development project, and is responsible for it is not easy. Many different challenges can also show up while working on software projects. It depends on the type of the project, the technologies used, and the management methodologies.
There are many examples of digital transformation around us nowadays. Everything is becoming digital. In time, more and more businesses understand the opportunities lying behind the digital world and technological advances.
Software development outsourcing is a thriving practice when it comes to developing business software. That is no strange as the use of business software is growing rapidly.
Digital self service is one of the sectors we expect to grow incredibly in the next few years. According to one market research, self service technology will account for $25 billion of the world’s economy within years.
During the last three decades, new communication methods haven't changed what emails mean to businesses. The convenience of email communication makes it stand out from live messaging or any other communication technology that businesses are using.