B5 Digital Launches its first SaaS: Digitalsero

1 year ago · 2 min min read

A few days back, we announced on our social media accounts that this month, we will be launching the early access of the first SaaS that we develop and sell as B5 Digital, after 4 years of delivering SaaS and custom software development services to clients.

by Alex Mansour

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Continuous Feedback For Agile Teams: The 4 Top Benefits

Software Development
1 year ago · 2 min min read

Continuous feedback is a human resources best practice that encourages the consistent sharing of feedback between employees and managers, to make the team more efficient and healthy.

by Alex Mansour

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4 Ways Entering a Software Development Partnership Is A Great Decision

Software Development
1 year ago · 3 min min read

When it comes to software development, choosing to outsource can offer many benefits for businesses not specialized in IT and software; helping businesses keep their focus on what they do best.

by Alex Mansour

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Logistics Automation

The 4 Biggest Benefits of Logistics Automation

by Alex Mansour
2 years ago
Logistics processes can be complicated in more than one way. These complications lead to many challenges that logistics businesses can find themselves running into. And like automation beats the challenges of many businesses in various sectors, it can do the same with logistics. 
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Logistics Automation

5 Effective Tips For Managing Logistics

by Alex Mansour
2 years ago
Automation has huge benefits for logistics businesses, impacting their cost management, process efficiency, client and customer satisfaction and much more. These benefits make automation software revolutionary for the logistics industry.
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