5 Software Development Up & Down Trends Into 2023 & Beyond

by Alex Mansour

1 year ago · 3 min read

The fast-moving market of software development is always changing with new technologies and the rise of existing ones every year. The pursuit of utilizing the most useful technologies and practices has never slowed down for decades. 

software development trends

In this blog, we are looking into what could be on the rise for the gigantic software industry in 2023, and the few years to come after. 

AI-Assisted programming gains momentum 

AI tools that can help programmers in coding have been around for a few years. But in the past year, it seems that such tools have been gaining huge momentum. 

Codes from big companies like GitHub Copilot and Amazon CodeWhisperer have made AI-assisted programming become a trend in the software development industry. If it doesn’t become an industry norm, using AI assistance during programming can become much more popular than before in 2023 and beyond. 

Blockchain development to slow down 

While blockchain development has been on the rise for a few years back. It seems that this industry may finally show slowdowns this year. 

Blockchain platforms don’t seem to instantly vanish or become unuseful, as the technology will exist in the future, but maybe not without the initially imagined presence and growth.  

More companies to turn to outsourcing to face talent shortage 

Talent shortage has been a major barrier for businesses aspiring to build world-class software solutions for years. Depending on the technologies you use any the type of software solution you are building. You can find it really hard to build a software development team. 

During the past 5 years, reports indicate a 900% increase in a talent shortage, as well as $8.5 trillion worth of unfilled jobs by 2030. Job quits may contribute to making this case even worse. This trend seems to clearly be growing in 2023 and beyond. 

Cross-platform development to keep growing 

It is not hard to see how important cross-platform development has become now, considering the growing user base of even competing platforms like iOS and Android. 


Developing a cross-platform application means that it will be easily ported to both operating systems. So that you benefit from the user base of different operating systems without having to rebuild the product from the ground up for each one. 

Electron, for example, is one promising open-source software framework that is developed and maintained by GitHub. The framework allows creating of desktop applications powered by the Chromium browser engine and using Node.js. 

Growth of automation and AI software 

This trend hasn’t declined for years, and there is no reason for this to happen. Automation solutions whether powered by digital software or robotics are showing great benefits for new businesses every year. With the size of the industry growing to new heights every year. 2023 doesn’t seem to be different in any way. 

Demand on AI powered tools is also seemingly growing with no stop, and OpenAI’s ChatGPT may just prove to be the start of an era where AI is used daily by everyone. 

Interested in utilizing the latest technologies and being more insightful while building your software product? Make sure you follow our blog or feel free to schedula a call with our domain experts directly for more information ( this is a free call without any obligation) 

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