4 Communication Plan Types You Need to Consider for Your Project

by Alex Mansour

2 years ago · 2 min read

Who hasn’t ever felt wrongly out of a communication loop at some moment? It is even usual for some businesses to have communication plan problems and key people being dropped out of communication loops. Thus, leading to unnecessary delays and unwanted problems. 


A communication plan is a part of project management that is meant to prevent this. Having the right skills and knowledge to manage communication more strategically and proactively can make projects become much smoother. 

In this blog, we are sharing the various types of communication plans you need to know, which is a very basic step to start with them. 

Communication plans for project communications

As part of a project plan, a communication plan for a project is necessary to define how and when communication will take place to make project management as effective as possible. 

Each person should be responsible for communicating specific types of information to specific persons. Then get their approval or feedback if needed. This makes everyone accountable for a small part they need to handle. As efficiently as possible with no mistakes or delays.  

Communication plans for internal communications

Changes inside the company and updates employees need to know about are essential for making all of the business processes and various projects smooth. 

Internal communications are a bit different from other types. As they associate with aspects like confidentiality more than project management communications. This makes your plans for internal communications more 

Process communication plans 

Besides the communications on a project level and the ones going Internally to employees. There are communications that associate with every process inside every department. 

communication plans

Each process should have its communication that clearly states who to inform with what and when. This becomes even more 8rganized when clearly documented and shared with the department employees. 

Marketing communication plans 

Communication plans with clients, partners, and internally between employees are different from marketing communication plans. Being part of a marketing strategy, marketing communication plans include the core messages to communicate to customers. 

Marketing communication plans can include the tone of voice used when communicating with customers. It also includes other details related to how each representative of your business communicates with customers. Then what your ads and marketing channels tell them. 

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